H-ADAPT Survey
Habits-Activity-Diet Assessment and Planning Tool
H-ADAPT is an online tool that guides you through a detailed 360-degree personal assessment of your current eating, drinking and exercise patterns, and how mood, attitudes and feelings may be influencing your personal choices.
It is also educational and responsive, so it gives you the opportunity to reflect upon, think about and prioritise the goals that you are ready and willing to make.
Upon completion of the H-ADAPT Survey, your individual H-ADAPT report is generated. This report provides the foundation for your HWFL Essentials program.
H-ADAPT focus areas
The H-ADAPT captures quantitative and qualitative information about your current habits and behaviours in the following areas:
Your daily intake of water/sugar-free fluids, coffee, sugar-sweetened beverages, and alcohol.
Understanding your intake can help you maintain adequate hydration and avoid eating food when you are thirsty, not hungry.
Carbohydrates & Protein
Your daily intake of carbohydrate and protein portions consumed across breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body – understanding your intake can help you choose good quality carbohydrates and eat the right quantity.
Protein is needed for your body to grow and repair cells – understanding your intake can help you choose good quality protein and eat the right quantity.
Fruit & Vegetables
Your daily intake of fruit and vegetable portions consumed across breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.
Fruits and Vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fibre – understanding your intake can help you eat 2 serves of fruit and at least 5 serves of vegetables every day as well as choose from a wide variety of colourful fruits and vegetables.
Discretionary Food
Your weekly intake of discretionary foods (e.g. pastries, chips, ice cream, confectionary, takeaway food).
Discretionary foods provide empty calories with little or no nutritional value – understanding your intake can help you regulate your consumption to only sometimes and in small amounts.
Meal & Snack Planning & Mindfulness
Your general patterns of planned meal preparation and impulsive eating.
Understanding your patterns can help you plan more effectively and have portion-controlled meals and snacks prepared with healthy ingredients whenever needed.
Understanding your ability to reduce distractions during mealtimes and tune in to your body’s hunger and satiety cues can help you be more present when eating and aid in weight reduction/maintenance.
Goal Setting
Your goal setting intentions and techniques.
Understanding your goal setting behaviour can help you set personal health and wellbeing goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-framed).
Stress Management
Your behavioural response when stressed, under pressure, anxious or nervous.
Understanding your behaviour can help you develop strategies to manage stress more effectively.
Support Network
Your access and ability to reach out to professional and personal support.
Understanding your support network can help you build an effective and varied base of people whom you can trust and confide in.
Strength, Physical Activity & Sedentary Time
Your weekly engagement in planned strengthening exercises and physical activity as well as amount of time spent sitting for leisure on daily basis
Understanding your activity patterns can help you maintain regular exercise which aids in improving mobility, managing weight and other important health indicators.
Personal Goals & Priorities
Provides an opportunity for you to communicate your priorities to us so that our dietitians can provide targeted and tailored support.
Personal Dietetic Consultations – HWFL Essentials
The HWFL Essentials program provides 4 personal dietetic consults spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart over 18 weeks.
Our dietitians carefully review your individual H-ADAPT survey report and use this as an important foundation to structure and guide your initial consult. We work with you in this one-on-one phone appointment consult to discuss your priorities and develop personal goals and action plans together to help you achieve the outcomes that are important to you.
In subsequent consults, we make sure to reassess your goals with you and adapt your plan based on your current level of progress and any changes to your motivations and challenges.
Your initial H-ADAPT results can be revisited and the H-ADAPT survey can be re-done at any point during the program to ensure that our advice and support reflects what is most relevant to your current situation.