A deliciously zesty treat shared with us by a program member, this dish is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed either warm or cold, making it perfect for any occasion.


  • 2 bunches of rhubarb diced
  • 1 pkt frozen raspberries
  • flesh of 1 lime diced
  • 1 heaped teaspoon crushed ginger
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • half a cup of water
  • stevia or sugar substitute to taste (alternative – a splash of low joule Raspberry cordial)


  1. Put everything into a microwave dish.
  2. Stir.
  3. Microwave for 5 minutes, stir, and cook further till desired consistency.
  4. Can also be cooked by steaming in small saucepan with the lid on – it only takes a few minutes