4 Top Tips for a Mindful Easter Holiday
Enjoying the Easter holidays with family and friends and maintaining healthy eating may seem contradictory however it doesn’t have to be. Read on and you may be surprised how easy it can be!
Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your actions and your thoughts – including eating, drinking and being active. That said, public holidays and special occasions can mean back-to-back outings and gatherings, long lunches and plenty of distractions. Learn how to build on your mindful eating skills from the HWFL program with these Easter tips.
Tip 1: Leave home feeling satisfied and hydrated
Have a healthy snack (or a KicStartTM) before heading out to a social gathering to keep hunger in check and to avoid arriving ravenous. Being hungry on arrival can make you more likely to go straight for energy-dense food choices such as cheese platters and pastries. When you get to the event, focus on enjoying the company of friends and family. Drinking enough water before leaving home and carrying a water bottle with you can also help as the “hunger pangs” might actually be thirst.
Tip 2: Enjoy your food choices
While you wouldn’t want to undo all your hard work, remind yourself that this is a special occasion and you can enjoy it in a controlled way because you have the skills and resources from HWFL to stay on track in the long term. Rather than eating everything on offer, allow yourself to enjoy the moment – select a couple of your favourite foods and fully experience and savour every bite. Notice the smell, flavours and textures in your mouth. You might find that you become satisfied with less.
Tip 3: Have a game plan before you head out
Carry a KicStartTM shake or pack a healthy snack to keep you going on those car rides and day-long trips. Research what food options will be available at your destination so that you can plan your choice or pack your own meal if needed.
Tip 4: Sip mindfully
Chatting with mates and other distractions can lead to mindless top-ups of alcohol, soft drinks or juice which all add extra kilojoules to your day. Keep track of your drinks by only refilling your glass once it is completely empty, and following every glass with a glass of still or lightly sparkling water to pace yourself and keep you hydrated.
Remember you can still enjoy up to 2 (and no more than 4) standard drinks per occasion with minimal risk of unintended alcohol-related harm. For beer drinkers, choosing a mid-strength or light beer is an easy way to cut out extra energy from the alcohol content.
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