Oyster mushrooms and Konjac noodles
Oyster mushrooms and konjac noodles are our latest ingredients we recommend to try and incorporate into your meal. Read more and give them a try!
Oyster mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms are named after their oyster-shell-like shape. Their colours range from pearl-white to pink, grey to brown. They have a succulent tender flesh that works well to absorb the flavours of other ingredients during cooking and their natural savoury “umami” flavour reduces the need to add salt to the dish. Oyster mushrooms (and other mushroom varieties) are one of the highest sources of antioxidants and contain essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, B vitamins and selenium. Plus, they are a Free Food!
Find it in… the fresh mushroom section of your local supermarket or Asian grocer.
Use them… raw or cooked! Slice and toss raw in salads, sauté with garlic and black pepper for a flavourful topping on grainy bread, stir-fry with Asian vegetables and noodles – go light on any sauces as they will absorb flavours more readily than meats or other vegetables. There’s no need to peel or wash them before using, simply wipe them with a damp cloth!
Konjac noodles
Konjac noodles (pronounced “kon – yak”) is a root plant that is used commonly in Asian cooking. It is sometimes called konjac potato, konnyaku or elephant yam. It is made of water and fibre, so has virtually no carbs, protein or fat. Given that it is not a grain, it is also gluten free. For these reasons, we can therefore consider konjac as a free food.
Find them in… the Asian grocer or Asian aisle of your local supermarket. They are sold in the form of clear noodles, rice or blocks (brands include Slendier, Slim Pasta, Chang’s Lo-Cal noodles).
Use… mixed into oriental-style salads, stir fried vegetables (like the newsletter recipe) and homemade soups to help to bulk out your meals in a high-fibre way. You can also add them to your KicStart soups (e.g. Asian Beef and Creamy Chicken).
Do you want to discover more healthy ingredients to add to your cooking? Click here!
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