Have you maintained your healthy habits through the Winter months or do you need to shake the frost off and kick start them again? We think a great starting point for a Healthy Habit Check-up is the Mayo Clinic 12 Habits of Highly Healthy People (DAHLC).

Habit 1: Physical Activity

Over the past week how often have you walked specifically for exercise or done some other planned activity? 3 x 10 minute walks a day is a great place to start.

Habit 2: Forgiveness

“Forgiveness is one way to reduce the overall affects from hurts in our life. Forgiveness doesn’t require you to justify, excuse or deny a wrong that was done to you but it is a choice that you make to give up anger and resentment while acknowledging that you were hurt…. Studies have shown that voluntarily giving up bitterness and practicing forgiveness can have a positive impact on our health, including improved blood pressure, decreased stress, improved relationships, and more.” Mayo Clinic

Habit 3: Portion Sizes

Have they crept up? Why not test your dinner portions using your HWFL portion planner disc.

Habit 4: Preventative Healthcare Testing

Do you know your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol? The best way to reduce the possibility of severe health problems is to go to your preventive healthcare check-ups and ‘know your numbers’.

Habit 5: Adequate Sleep

Do you have good sleep habits? Most of us need at least 6 – 8 hours of good sleep at night.

Establishing a sleep routine that works for you can have ongoing health benefits. Turning off electronic devices an hour before bedtime, enjoy a soothing herbal tea, or doing a couple of easy stretches before you tuck yourself in can all help.

Habit 6. Try something new

Are you willing to try something new each month, to challenge your mind and body? New experiences can be both exciting and scary, however overcoming your fear, embracing your strengths, and demonstrating curiosity will reap the benefits of personal growth and discovery.

Habit 7. Strength and flexibility

We all lose up to 8 percent of our lean muscle mass per decade after around age 30. Fortunately, this can be counteracted by introducing regular strength training.

You can use a variety of types of “resistance” to improve strength: Your own body weight, free weights, resistance bands, machines, and even water. A good local gym, physio or exercise physiologist may be able to help you plan a routine that will work for you.

Habit 8. Laugh

Have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself why “Laughter is the best medicine”? Should you be taking a dose each day? The answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’ according to the Mayo Clinic. So take a minute each day to laugh and start every day with a smile! 

Habit 9. Family and friends

Do you actively engage with family, friends and social opportunities? A strong social support helps us cope with stress, reduces negative feelings, such as loneliness, and our closest ones can also encourage us to adopt a new healthy habit. 

Habit 10. Address addictive behaviours

A healthy lifestyle involves moderation in certain behaviours, like eating, buying, internet use, gambling, alcohol and caffeine intake. Make sure to notice them and if you know you are in excess you can choose to move into a stage of addressing your addictive behaviours when you are ready.

Habit 11. Quiet your mind

Feeling burnt out may mean you feel tired, lack motivation to do things and feel like everything is just too much to manage. October is mental health awareness month, and emotional and mental wellbeing is at the forefront of our minds. Think of the things that you find enjoyable and relaxing. This can be as simple as a walk in nature, reading, calling a loved one, watching your favourite show, dancing or playing music. Whatever it is, ensure that you have deliberately allocated time each week (or every day) for these activities.

Habit 12: Gratitude

Feeling thankful or grateful is very empowering, it helps us remember what is good in our lives and helps us fill our mind with positive thoughts instead of negative. Why not start a daily gratitude journal and write down one thing each day to build a library of positivity.

Wondering how you can benefit your well-being through healthy eating? Explore our recipe ideas here